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Thursday, 31 May 2012

Single Speed Conversion Complete!!

Well that wasn't so bad.  In fact my conversion from geared annoyance to single speed simplicity went without the usual mechanical hells you can get from removing and reinstalling components.  Even my chainring bolts came undone without too much swearing!  The hardest part was getting the chainline correct but I got it pretty much spot on second time lucky

Anyhoo, here is what my bike looks like now.  Oh, and she now has a name (about time!).  Say hello to 'Betsy'!


  1. Betsy looks great! Love the black with subtle red accents. I can not wait to read your first ride report. Riding single speed has a lot to do with efficiency. Carry your momentum as much as possible. And get out of the saddle before you start a short steep climb....oh there's so much to learn. I hope you enjoy every (well almost every) minute of it as I do.

  2. Betsy is looking' great - now, go out and ride! Have fun!

  3. Thanks :), I'm all excited about going out riding its like getting a new bike! Been eyeing up some proper single speed chainrings from Hope just finish it off better.....oh and carbon ridged forks!

  4. any trouble with your spring loaded chain tensioner not providing enough tension ?
